June 2, 2008

I can't help it the road just rolls out behind me...

I love walking--feeling my feet hit the pavement as mind, body and soul align. I work ten miles away from my home and when the weather is nice I take the train three stops and walk the remaining 3.5 miles to work (to save money and exercise!). It takes me from 45 minutes to an hour to walk depending on how late my train is on any given day.
Save the pervs I encounter on my way, I always seem to notice at least one thing that makes me smile to myself. Today, it was a small red rubber band on the ground, which reminded me of when I lived in Hyde Park. During the three years I lived there it seemed as though someone deliberately scattered these red rubber bands along the sidewalks and replenished them when they began to disappear. I would count them on my way to school or the market and was convinced there was something magical about them. Last week I saw four bunnies playing in an open lot, which I found especially exciting because I no longer see bunnies around my house since my outdoor warrior-mama cat took up residence.
Here are the things that made me smile today courtesy of my phone:

Oh contradictions...hehe
So purty, this yard was full of them!
A cute mural down an ally I happened to walk through by the train station
Neon pop culture references :)
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lynnspirit said...

Hey baby, I liked your pics especially Deicke. Very funny. Also it was fun to remember the old rubber band trail in HP. Your artwork is awesome.

Kaitlin said...

hehe i agree with mom, you're artwork is AWESOME! and you are so cute with your little pictures of things that make you smile :) hehe

*jean* said...

wonderful and delightful! love grills gone wild...too funny